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This simulation is online and the estimated completion time is 2 hours.

The difficulty level of this simulation as determined by the Ludi participants: 2/5

Name of your role in this simulation: Human Resources Specialist

The language of this simulation is Turkish and the tasks are completed in that language.

Bu Sefer Kesin Patladık:
H Company

⚠️ This simulation is produced only for you to experience the role. It is not provided by a real company. ⚠️


In this simulation, you will experience the role of an HR Specialist. The main duties of this role are:

  • Recruitment processes, candidate evaluations and interviews

  • Conducting operations in starting a job, leaving a job, promotion, leave, etc.

  • Management of performance evaluation processes

  • Determining training needs and taking necessary training and development actions

  • Creating and implementing strategies for workplace culture and employee engagement

  • Conducting data analysis for data-oriented human resources management and reporting them to relevant units

Simulation Context

H Company, which has existed as a family business for many years, has entered into a transformation towards institutionalization with the 2nd generation taking over in recent years. At H Company, whose number of employees is approaching 1000, the senior management has created various functions and departments within the company in order to have a more professional and corporate structure, and pays special attention to the areas of finance and human resources.

You are one of the 3 new employees who recently joined H Company, which aims to rapidly expand its human resources team and implements many new applications, with the title of HR Specialist.

In the first week of your job, the HR team is working on the newly introduced "Bonus Payment" application within the scope of employee satisfaction. However, since most applications are being implemented for the first time in the company, new members of the team are expected to get involved in the work as quickly as possible and demonstrate their knowledge of new methods and practices.




Starting from raw data, calculate how much bonus each employee will receive based on a predetermined rule set.

Automation and


Find an efficient method to notify employees of bonus amounts and make recommendations to the HR team.



The whole team is in a difficult situation due to a problem with the finance team. Create the best strategy to solve this situation.

H Company, one of Turkey's leading industrial companies, was founded in 1959 and operates in the machinery production and heavy industry sectors. The company, based in Istanbul, produces in 5 different cities across Turkey. With years of experience and expert staff, H Company is an important company that meets customer needs by offering quality machinery products and industrial solutions and has a strong position in the market. Focused on innovation and sustainability, H Company is one of the leaders in the industrial sector.

Although the company is large and in a leading position, it still looks like a family company. The second generation has now taken office in the company, which the founder of the company managed alone for many years. This new generation management, aware of the need to adapt to change over time, attaches great importance to institutionalization in order to establish a sustainable structure. Recently, they started to implement a series of practices to make progress in this direction. Finance, Human Resources, Production, Marketing etc. The company's senior management works with all its strength for a more professional, corporate and sustainable management in all departments.

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